10 types of men you don’t want to date


The way men come in different shapes and sizes, they also come with different attitudes and characteristics. While hardworking and God fearing men make the list of men to date, men with certain traits should be avoided like the plague.

Her are 10 types of men you don’t want to date.

  1. The player

The player is a type of man that only sees you as a means to an end. He never takes you serious and you are just one of his many girls. This type of man is a big flirt; he has the charisma, the smile and the ability to make you blush for days. However, he is also the perfect description of a wolf in a sheep’s clothing. If you meet this type of man, run for your life.

  1. The controlling one

Everywoman needs to run away from a man who desperately wants to control everything about you. This type of man wants to tell you when to eat, how to eat and where you eat. This type of man is a dictator and he does not apologise for his actions. He will always manipulate you and at the end of the day you will find that you are just unhappy.

  1. The temperamental type

A temperamental man has the tendency to be physically abusive. If you notice few weeks into the relationship that your man flares up easily and changes his tone at you at the slightest offence, you might want to change your partner. No one wants a wife-beater for a husband.

  1. The mama’s boy

It’s good that a man loves his family especially his mother but when your boyfriend can’t make any decision without his mother butting in, then you have a problem. A mama’s boy will always need his mother’s input before making a decision even one that concerns you.

  1. The stingy one

It’s ok when you know your partner does not have in abundance but when he has but is not willing to share, there is a problem. Except you are willing to live your entire life in scrapple while your partner enjoys life unbothered about you, stay away from a man not willing to share.

  1. The know it all

Everyone hates a know it all or in Nigerian term “oversabi”. An oversabi man will always tell you how incorrect you are 100 times. He will make you feel smaller all in the name of trying to impress you. No one wants to date someone that makes them feel bad about themselves.

  1. The coward

Men can be gentle but they should also have the ability to defend their spouse when the need arises. A coward tends to run away at the slightest sight of problem. He is not willing to ride it through thick and thin and only enjoys it when everything is going smoothly.

  1. The lie maestro

The lie maestro always has one tell-tale or the other. He exaggerates what he is worth and never wants to stop talking. Stay away from this type of man before he ruins you with his lies.

  1. The dependant man

This type of man is always depending on you or anybody else. He never wants to do things himself and thinks since people are around him to help; he does not have to do anything. This type of man may be unable to take proper care of his family when he finally settles down.

  1. The married man

It is obvious that every single lady should stay away from a married man. Being with a married man make you look like a home breaker and also mean you are dating an unavailable man. It is no use dating a man that you have no future with no matter how hard you think you have fallen for him.