Sharon Ooja shares testimony of finding husband after years of waiting

Sharon Ooja

Actress Sharon Ooja has shared a testimony in church, recounting how her faith and patience led her to meet her husband, Ugo Nwoke after years of waiting.

While giving her testimony at the Harvesters International Christian Centre on Sunday, Sharon detailed an intimate spiritual experience where she sought divine guidance for her love life.

She explained how she had a personal encounter with the Holy Spirit after years of praying for a life partner.

Sharon revealed that while she had achieved success in many areas—her career, financial stability, and personal growth—she still longed for a partner.

“Several times I would have conversations with God, saying, ‘You’ve given me work, financial stability, and I’m great at what I do. There’s just one thing I’m still waiting for,'” she shared.

Her turning point came after a conversation with a “Pastor B” who asked her what qualities she was looking for in a man.

Sharon replied, “Someone who will take care of me.” The pastor, however, encouraged her to focus on personal growth, which prompted her to reflect on herself.

While filming a movie in the desert last year, Sharon said she had an encounter with the Holy Spirit.

She recalled the moment vividly, saying, “I was filming in the desert and had a heavy encounter with the Holy Spirit. I remember hearing, ‘Leave your burdens here.'”

Shortly after this spiritual experience, she met the man who would become her husband, describing him as “the best man in the world.”

Sharon’s testimony comes just two months after her luxurious wedding in June.

She shared that she had promised God to return and give her testimony, fulfilling that promise with gratitude and joy.