Did you pay to go see Amber Rose twerk at #Dbanjat10 concert?

Amber Rose DbanjShow us a man who didn’t wish to see Amber Rose twerk at the D’banj at 10 concert and we will show you a liar.

Guess all you who paid a king’s ransom to see the model shake her world famous bum know by now that you were conned.

Certainly, nobody paid to just see her do a few seconds of ‘Shoki’.

And here is one more reason to bemoan your loss.

What you paid for and did not get is now available online…for FREE.

The 31-year-old left Nigeria in a whimper but made waves on Thursday as she shared a video of her twerking on the surface of a pool in Trinidad.

Wearing a black bikini bottom and white tee, the former striper danced in the pool to the delight of passers by.

She had earlier done same on land, even letting some lucky fellas grind along.

Similar thing happened on Tuesday when the model took part in Trinidad and Tobago’s Mardi Gras celebrations and was seen grinding close to strangers…for FREE.

Is it too late to sue D’banj for deceptive advertising or ask for a refund?