Accolades for Adekunle Gold and his Orente

By Simbo Olorunfemi

Knowledge comes in different packages. It speaks in a variety of tongues. If you will pay attention, it can come from the most unlikely of places.

It came this morning from Adekunle Kosoko, popularly known as Adekunle Gold.

“Never be afraid to be different, because difference sells”. True. Differentiation is key in marketing. Being different sells. It might not sell in millions, but it will sell in that niche market.

That is the story of Adekunle Gold. It is the story of a young man who is not afraid to be different. Starting out as a graphic artist, servicing Olamide as a client was his window of opportunity into the world of mainstream music.

With all going on in the world around him, it would have been expected that he would go the way of others churning out products that speak to the influence of science targeted at science students all around town.

But for Adekunle Gold, he was not afraid to be different in his lyrics, music and comportment. It appears to be paying off as he seems to have built a solid fan base.

Ariwo ko ni music. Empty barrel lo ma’npariwo.

Away from the gbam-gbam and the emptiness of a lot of what passes as contemporary music, he dares to sound different. In daring to be different, with his ‘urban highlife’, he is making a way for himself, building a brand that will most likely outlive the noise of today.

While one might be mistaken into thinking that the only way to earn accolades today is by way of assurance, Adekunle Gold suggests there might just be a remnant out there – the Orente, not taken by assurance, who would dare to be different, in spite of the pressure all around…

Adekunle Gold is a young man worth looking out for, just like his Orente, who in her own way, is doing exceedingly well simply by just being different. Her songs – simple, playful and beautiful.

“Never be afraid to be different, because difference sells”, he tells us. Being different pays. It might take time. But it often pays to be different.