Crew members are the most valuable – Eyiyemi Rogbinyin

Eyiyemi Rogbinyin QEDNG

Actress and broadcaster Eyiyemi Rogbinyin, best known for her role as Iya Onidiri in Itura, has spoken out about the lack of respect many film stars show towards crew members, emphasising their invaluable contribution to the industry.

In an interview with QEDNG publisher Olumide Iyanda, Eyiyemi shared her observations about the poor treatment of crew members on film sets.

She highlighted how hard these individuals work to prepare and maintain the set, only to be met with disrespect from some actors.

“Before you even arrive on set, the cleaners have already done their job. The set dressers have arranged everything, the gaffers have set up the lighting, and the sound team is ready to mic you up. Then there’s the camera crew, wardrobe, makeup, and hair departments—people who will work closely with you.

“Yet, some actors don’t even bother to acknowledge them with a simple ‘good morning.’ Why? Because they consider themselves stars? Who are you?” Eyiyemi remarked.

She stressed the close relationship between crew members and actors, noting how a makeup artist for instance, has to touch the actor’s face and special effects artists work on their bodies. Despite this, some actors refuse to be courteous, which Eyiyemi finds deeply troubling.

“If you behave badly on set, it just shows you have no home training and that your parents’ efforts and money were wasted,” she added.

Eyiyemi pointed out that crew members often start working on a project months before the actors are even cast. Many have over fifteen years of experience in the industry, yet they still face disrespect from some actors. She finds this attitude intolerable and often confronts such actors directly.

“Sometimes I just can’t hold back. I go up to that actor and ask, ‘Why can’t you be respectful? How much older are you than that person?’” she revealed.

When asked by Mr. Iyanda if crew members ever take advantage of actors, the Itura actress acknowledged that while it may happen, she has not experienced it herself. However, she believes that any such issues should be resolved through dialogue.

“We’re all human, right? But it’s important to have a conversation. If someone disrespects me, how do I handle it? Do I let it slide, throw a tantrum, or do my job and then approach that person later to express how much their actions hurt me?”

Eyiyemi advised that humility is key in handling conflicts on set, stressing the importance of maintaining professionalism.

In conclusion, she stated, “For me, and I say this everywhere, the crew are the most valuable players. Half the time, the actors have no idea about the conditions the crew have to endure.”

Eyiyemi Rogbinyin played the role of Iya Onidiri in Itura, a series aired on M-Net Africa Magic.