DJ Cuppy gives life to Christ, gets baptised in UK

Disk Jockey DJ Cuppy

Disc jockey DJ Cuppy has been baptised at Holy Trinity Brompton, an Anglican church in London, United Kingdom.

The 31-year-old announced this on Friday on social media with photos of her baptism.

The photos showed moments she was led into water and brought out dressed in black.

DJ Cuppy said it was the best decision of her life to dedicate her life to God.

“This summer, I made THE best decision of my life— to fully dedicate my life to God. Baptism isn’t just a ceremony; it’s a transformation. I am a new creation, reborn in His grace. The way to live us actually to die,” she wrote.

Clarifying concerns about her profession, she said, “Of course I am still DJ Cuppy, but now, every beat, every moment, has a deeper meaning. I see life in a new, brighter light. At 31, I finally understand what it really means to live a purpose driven life. Each day, I’m learning to live with intention, guided by something bigger than myself. Thank You, Father, for Your Salvation.”

Gospel singer Nikki Laoye commended her in the comment section of her Instagram post. “Well done dearie. You have always had the heart for God and you have been serving his people. No surprises here at all. So proud of you. You are God’s light,” she wrote, urging her to keep spreading God’s love everywhere she goes.

DJ Cuppy hinted about her new life in God on August 11 when she wrote on Instagram about her profession and “serving God”.

She said, “I had the RARE opportunity to do the two things I love most: DJing AND Serving God. What a blessing!

“I was really nervous about curating a performance with ONLY Christian music, but God challenged and guided me through it. And plesse DO NOT get it twisted— Christian music is LIT! Genuinely grateful for this journey and for the chance to share my faith through music!”