How trading scripts for roles shaped my filmmaking journey – Omoni Oboli

Filmmaker Omoni Oboli has revealed that early in her career she traded her screenplays for acting roles, a decision that ultimately steered her towards directing.

In an interview with Radionow 95.3 FM, the actress opened up about the challenges she faced at the start of her filmmaking journey. She explained how she would offer her scripts without compensation simply to secure a role in films.

“I was essentially giving away my scripts, saying, ‘Take it, no payment necessary—just give me a part in the movie.’ I started out this way, but when I saw the final product, it didn’t align with the vision I had while writing. I see my scripts cinematically, and the end result was often quite different.

“It’s not that the films were bad; every director brings their own interpretation. But I realised that if I wanted my stories to reflect my vision, I would need to direct them myself,” she said.

Omoni admitted that stepping into the director’s chair wasn’t easy, citing her initial fears and self-doubt. However, over time, she found the courage to pursue her dreams.

“It was intimidating at first—there was this question of, ‘Who do you think you are, directing a film?’ But then I thought, ‘What do they have that I don’t?’ That’s when I decided to go for it. I started paying close attention to directors while acting on set.

“I also realised I could benefit from some formal training, so I took a short course at the New York Film Academy,” she shared.

Omoni Oboli’s directorial portfolio now includes notable films such as Moms at War and Last Year Single, currently streaming on Netflix.

Her latest project, The Uprising: Wives on Strike 3, the newest installment in the Wives on Strike series, is set to premiere in cinemas this October.