Actor Kunle Afod has mourned veteran actor Tafa Oloyede who died on Tuesday, February 1.
In an Instagram post on Wednesday, Kunle stated that he was devastated and shocked over the death of the veteran.
He said: “When I heard about your death I was shocked and devastated… for close to 3 hours I was asking why God will do this to you. But who are we to question God.
“A soap opera that will show the world what your acting ability was all about will soon hit the tv screen. Ogo de emi pin ki olorun maje ka ni ipin nbe. I respect you. I respect your acting ability. May your soul rest in peace Tafa Oloyede Baba moriho as calling the coming serves.”
Veteran actor Bolaji Amusan better known as Mr. Latin also mourned Olayode on Wednesday.
Sharing a photo of the man on Instagram, he wrote: “Sleep well sir TAFA OLOYEDE.”