Renowned alumnus, Nathaniel Iyanda, fondly remembered by classmates as “Iyando Apapo,” was on Friday celebrated in grand style as Modakeke High School (MHS) presented him with the prestigious Living Legend Award. The ceremony, held at the school premises, marked a significant recognition of Mr Iyanda’s outstanding achievements and lifelong contributions to his alma mater and beyond.
Born in Ibadan on May 7, 1949, to parents of Ogbomoso origin, Iyanda joined Modakeke High School in 1962 and graduated in 1967 as the best student of his set and the only one to achieve a Grade One result. His academic brilliance and leadership qualities set the stage for a remarkable career in public relations and business administration.
Iyanda’s impressive academic journey saw him earn a CAM (London) qualification, majoring in public relations with minors in marketing, advertising, and business administration. He also attained the prestigious Institute of Public Relations (UK) certificate with distinction, solidifying his expertise in the field.
His professional journey began at UAC Research Bureau Limited, where he served as a team leader. In 1974, he joined Texaco Nigeria Plc, where he played a pivotal role in driving public awareness campaigns on the benefits of using high-quality lubricants, a project endorsed by Nigeria’s leading oil marketing companies.
Iyanda’s leadership extended to the Advertisers Association of Nigeria (ADVAN), where he served as a pioneer executive committee member, representing the interests of oil marketers. He also chaired the Committee of Public Relations/Advertising Managers of the eight major oil marketers and was actively involved in organising Nigeria’s Oil Industry Games.
A man of diverse interests, Iyanda was a member of the Lagos Tennis Club, the Ikoyi Club and served as vice president of the Universal Health Club, Festac Town, Lagos. He was instrumental in facilitating Texaco’s scholarship awards to Modakeke High School, further cementing his commitment to education and his alma mater.
After retiring early from Texaco in 1997 as manager, advertising, sales promotions and public relations, Nathaniel Iyanda transitioned into private business. He became a passionate advocate for knowledge sharing and voluntary service. A member of the Nigerian Institute of Public Relations (MNIPR), his legacy continues to inspire many.
The Living Legend Award serves as a testament to Iyanda’s enduring impact on his community and the high standards he set during his years at Modakeke High School. As his citation was read, Iyanda stood at attention, a proud alumnus whose contributions have left an indelible mark on society.
This recognition celebrates excellence, service, and a life dedicated to uplifting others. Modakeke High School is proud to call him one of its own.