Osinbajo commemorates Father’s Day with family’s photos

Yemi Osinbajo

Former Vice President Yemi Osinbajo on Sunday joined in the worldwide celebration of Father’s Day.

Celebrated every year on June 16, it is a day dedicated to honoring the fathers and father figures who play significant roles in the lives of people all over the world.

Osinbajo shared on social media photos of his family which includes his wife, children and grandchildren.

The professor of law described fatherhood as the world’s most critical leadership role.

“Happy Father’s Day to all the world leaders in dad form! Fatherhood: the world’s most critical leadership role, sculpting tomorrow’s leaders with boundless love and enduring wisdom,” Osinbajo said.

“To our children: you are our supreme achievements, our moments of pure pride, and the very essence of our hearts. Shine on, knowing you’re forever cherished!”

“For those of us feeling the ache of absence today, may our memories be a source of solace, as we honor the legacy of our father’s with unwavering love,” he added.