Paul Adefarasin shares rare family photos to mark Father’s Day

Paul Adefarasin

Senior pastor of House on the Rock Church Paul Adefarasin on Sunday shared on social media rare photos of his family in commemoration of Father’s Day.

Celebrated every year on June 16, it is a day dedicated to honoring the fathers and father figures who play significant roles in the lives of people all over the world.

Adefarasin posted on social media photos of himself, wife Pastor Ifeanyi and children — Hilda, Alvin and Alexander.

The cleric wrote, “Dear Friends, Today, we celebrate fathers who embody wisdom, empathy, and compassion. Who can truly measure the depth of your sacrifices and the strength of your dedication? You are the solars in what would’ve been dark nights, the shelter in our storms, and the sages whose words provide direction in a confusing world.

“No one can fully grasp the pain and sacrifice it takes to be the moral compasses, the lighthouses at our shorelines and the compassionate hearts that you are. You parent with unwavering love and dedication, often putting the needs of others before your own.

“On this special day, we honour the fathers who, despite the grueling demands placed upon them, continue to guide, nurture, and protect us all. Your impact is immeasurable, and your efforts are deeply appreciated and cherished.

“May this day bring you joy, laughter, and the profound appreciation of those whose lives you touch. Thank you for being such incredible fathers. Happy Father’s Day!”

Hilda was born in 1996 a year after her parents’ wedding.

In 2018, Alvin graduated with a first class degree in civil engineering.

Alexander is the last child of the family. Like his older siblings, he spends most of his time outside Nigeria.