Paul Adefarasin, wife celebrate TD Jakes at 67

Paul Adefarasin and wife Ifeanyi Adefarasin

Senior pastor of House on the Rock Church Paul Adefarasin and his wife Pastor Ifeanyi Adefarasin on Sunday celebrated their American preacher Bishop TD Jakes on his 67th birthday.

They wrote on Instagram, “Dearest @bishopjakes, as you turn another page in the remarkable storybook of your life on this occasion of your 67th birthday, myself and my family extend our heartfelt congratulations and profuse gratitude. You are more than a spiritual parent to me; you are a bastion of wisdom and a venerable leader whose visionary guidance has profoundly impacted the lives of innumerable souls including myself and my whole family.

“Your inimitable leadership, unwavering commitment to the faith and the roles you model for laity and leadership alike have carved a path of hope, transformation, and redemption that so many have found because of your obedience to the call.

“Today, we celebrate not just your birth but the remarkable legacy you continue to build—a bequeathal that will undoubtedly inspire generations till our King comes.

“As you celebrate this special day, may it be filled with joy, divine favour, and the Almighty’s abundant blessings.

“It is our earnest prayer that Heaven preserves the luminous testament to God’s grace that your life represents, may you continue to lead with the wisdom and strength that define your remarkable journey.”

Last September, Jakes and his daughter Sarah Jakes-Roberts attended the Spirit Life Conference organised by Adefarasin’s church in the Lekki area of Lagos.

The conference was themed ‘Unshaken’.

Among those who also attended the programme were Mensa Otabil, Dunsin Oyekan, Moses Bliss, and Nathaniel Bassey.