Head of the Public Complaint Rapid Response Unit of the Nigeria Police Force, Abayomi Shogunle, has justified the clampdown by policemen on sex workers in Abuja.
No less than 70 suspected sex workers were arrested and detained at Utako Police Station on April 27 during a raid on nightclubs in Abuja.
Mr Shogunle, who is not new to controversies, said on Twitter on Tuesday without giving evidence that medical practitioners say prostitutes are spreading Human-Immuno Deficiency Virus (HIV) and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
He added that the two main religions practised in Abuja do not support prostitution and that sex workers do not pay taxes.
Referring to prostitution or prostitutes as
the letter P, he wrote: “Those making noise on the clampdown on prostitutes in
#Abuja; Prostitution is a crime under the law. P is a sin under the 2 main
religions of FCT residents. Medicine says P is spreading HIV & STD. P is
lifeline of violent criminals. P don’t pay tax. culture frowns at P.”
Shogunle recently attracted the ire of Nigerians when he advised that Nigerians should communicate with policemen in pidgin and not ‘Queen’s English’ to avoid misunderstanding.