Saidi Balogun, Yinka Quadri, others voice support for Toyin Abraham

Actor Saidi Balogun

Actor Saidi Balogun has taken to social media to express his support for his colleague Toyin Abraham, who shared a distressing video revealing her struggles with cyberbullies.

In an Instagram live video on Wednesday, Toyin disclosed the emotional toll that online harassment has taken on her.

“These people were paid money to bully me, to ruin my life and career. My fear is gone. I am ready to die, you guys have pushed me,” she said.

Following her live video, Saidi took to Instagram to show his solidarity with Toyin. He criticised the double standards in the way people view celebrities defending themselves.

He stated, “You use police to arrest your neighbors for the most minor reasons, e reach celebrity turn, you say it’s bully.”

Saidi urged netizens to stop the “emotional blackmail,” reminding them that “celebrities are human just like you.”

The actor concluded by advocating for equal freedom of action.

“You are free to say what you like right? Let celebrities be free to take whatever actions to protect their mental space. Freedom should not be selective. God bless,” he wrote.

Actors Itele and Yinka Quadri echoed Saidi’s sentiments in the comments section, with Itele saying, “Well said sir. Freedom should not be selective.” Yinka simply added, “Well said.”

Additionally, Big Brother Naija star Tacha and actress Biola Adebayo addressed the issue on their Instagram pages.

Abiola said that she has been trying to reach Toyin all to no avail, offering prayers for her well-being.

Tacha, in a video, defended Toyin, noting that she did not force anyone to vote for any candidate and should not be bullied for it.