Former Senate President Bukola Saraki has acknowledged a baby boy named after him.
The boy was born to a man identified simply as Yousaseef on Twitter.
Mr Yousaseef said on Twitter: “Saraki is my political
leader and role model. Saraki dynasty has done a lot for ma families. I found
myself in politics not bcuz of anything but because of @bukolasaraki. I have
utmost respect for him and this is where my . #SARAKIS. So I named my son after
Saraki replied on Friday saying he was honoured by the gesture.
“Hello, Yousaseef. Congratulations on the birth of your son. I am honoured that you chose to name him after me and I pray that Almighty Allah will cause him to be a blessing to his family, community and country all the days of his life. Amen,” he wrote.
Yousaseef then replied saying: “Wow. #Ameen I’m honoured, sir
. Dear Distinguished Senator, you have excellent abilities of leadership and I’m so lucky to have an understanding and caring leader like you.
“May Allah Give you the zeal to overcome daunting and threatening challenges. Ameen #WeWillRiseAgain.”