See celebrities who suffered sex tape, nude photos scandal

Toke Makinwa

The entertainment industry has witnessed a lot of crisis and controversies in the last couple of years, one of these includes female celebrities being blackmailed over sex tapes or nude photos.

While some of them publicly came forward with the story, others were speculated. compiled a list of some celebrities who have been blackmailed before.

Fresh on the list is singer Tiwa Savage who alleged that she is currently being blackmailed over a sex tape with her partner.

Speaking during an interview shared on Friday, the 41-year-old disclosed that the blackmailer is asking for money and threatening to release the video if she does not respond to the demands. Tiwa, however, stated that she will not pay the blackmailer.

Next on the list is fuji musician Salawa Abeni, who in April 2020 revealed that someone made a threat to release her nude pictures.

The 58-year-old shared screenshots of the conversation between her and the blackmailer. Just like Tiwa, Salawa stated that she will not be bullied, saying that she would release the photos herself.

The police, however, arrested Oladunjoye Olufowoke a suspect who was allegedly responsible for the threat against the musician.

In the same April, actress Belinda Effah exposed a plot to blackmail her with photoshopped nude pictures of her.

Before Belinda made the claim, media personality Toke Makinwa and BBNaija star Tacha also exposed a blackmailer who threatened to release their nude photos, just like Salawa, Toke chose to take the power from her blackmailer by releasing the photos herself.

Tacha also decided to release the pictures herself.

Meanwhile, singer Seyi Shay whose nude photo was released in May 2020 claimed that her Instagram account was hacked at the time.