Skit maker Chinwe Splendor in trouble as university ‘demands’ return of certificate over sex-for-grades remark

Skit maker Chinwe Splendor

Actress and skit maker Chinwe Ngene aka Chinwe Splendor has raised alarm over a demand made by the management of a university she attended for her to return her certificate after claiming she had sexual relations with her lecturers to pass her courses.

Chinwe shared her life struggles on Chijioke ‘Yanbaba Comedian’ Igwendu’s Gbam podcast shared on YouTube on June 9.

She said on the podcast that she went into prostitution to support her university education due to her family’s financial hardship.

“When I got admission into a university here in Anambra State (which I’ll not name), there was no money; as I already said, my family was large, and there was no money. My parents were not well off. I went into prostitution and started associating with men to get my school fees. I’ll advise parents who do not have the money to train their children in school to let them stay back because the university goes beyond paying acceptance fees and other expenses.

“When I gained admission, I was managing until a point where there was no other way, and I had to go into prostitution. I have slept with many men in Anambra State. Sometimes, I didn’t attend lectures because I was too tired from the previous day’s stress. Along the line, I looked for a way to cover up and started sleeping with lecturers. There was a particular year that I didn’t attend lectures, but I passed all my papers. Although it wasn’t easy, I didn’t want to drop out. I slept with many lecturers and graduated with a good grade,” the mass communication graduate said.

However, in a video she posted on Facebook on Tuesday, Chinwe said her alma mater sent her an email ordering the return of her certificate within 48 hours of receiving it.

Chinwe did not mention the name of the university she graduated from but information on her Facebook page says she graduated from Nnamdi Azikiwe University in Awka, Anambra State.

The skit maker insisted she would not return the certificate, stating that she earned it.

“I want to share something with you guys. The university I attended sent me an email demanding I return my certificate within 48 hours. I want to ask if this is right. That certificate, I earned it. I worked hard for it. Why should I return it? They emailed me to return a certificate for which I had worked so hard. I know many of my course mates would also have to return their certificates. I’m going through a lot. I’m depressed.

“But I’m trying so hard to stay strong for myself. I’m saying I earned this certificate, and I’m reborn now. I have repented. I have changed. All these things are in the past now. They are all in the past, for crying out loud. Let the past be in the past. I’m broken,” she said.