Why my wife and I relocated to United States – Sam Adeyemi

Sam Adeyemi of Daystar

Senior pastor of Daystar Christian Centre Sam Adeyemi said COVID-19, EndSARS protests, and troubling dreams about Nigeria prompted his relocation to the United States.

He stated this during a virtual interview with Seun Okinbaloye on his programme ‘Mic On’ podcast streamed on Sunday.

“When COVID-19 started, all our children were in the US, so everyone stayed with their families. We stayed with our children. The week services resumed was when EndSARS started, so we were preparing to return to Nigeria,” he said.

“When the EndSARS protests ended in violence, we stayed back a bit. When we were ready to return to Nigeria, a different experience altogether happened.

“My wife had a dream in which she travelled to Nigeria and returned to the US, which was a bad dream. I told her I wouldn’t say I liked this dream.

“Three days later, I had a dream. We both travelled to Nigeria in my dream, and I was in a big fight. I was being attacked violently, and I had to ask the Holy Spirit in my heart what to do.

“He said I should call the name of Jesus Christ. I shouted ‘in the name of Jesus Christ’ in the dream and didn’t realise I shouted out loud in real life.”

Adeyemi, who is also a motivational speaker, said that whenever they (he and his wife) set dates and booked flights to return to Nigeria, he would have a bad dream about something terrible happening to him there (Nigeria).

He further stated that he had never experienced two dreams about the same event in one night.

“A few days later, we called family members in Nigeria, and one person said, ‘I’m feeling very uncomfortable about you travelling to Nigeria.’ We called another family member who said, ‘I feel uncomfortable about you coming. What is going on?’ We just turned and looked at each other, pondering the situation. Then I said, ‘You know what? I’ve been a Christian for 40 years.’

“At this point, if God is speaking to me, I should have an idea that it is God speaking. Something is going on. I don’t know what it is, but I want to pray more.

“And at that point, we called a meeting of all the leaders in Daystar Christian Centre—the top 120 leaders on Zoom,” he said.

Adeyemi noted that he informed the church’s elders about the situation, and they agreed to keep the church running.